Talk about a celebration organized after an achievement

1. I have had several memorable moments in my life.
2. But there is one occasion which I will always cherish for my entire life and that is when I got 92% marks in my senior secondary exams.
3. This achievement is special to me for two reasons.
4. First is the hardships that I went through just before the exam.
5. Two months before the exams I fractured my left leg and could not go to my coaching classes.
6. So I did all the study at home on my own and I am glad that my hard work paid off.
7. And the second reason is the celebration which I had after achieving this feat.
8. Actually the whole thing was planned by my family and they kept it as a surprise till the last moment.
9. I was not aware of any such event and they really succeeded to keep this whole event as a secret from me.

10. My result came out on Wednesday and on Friday my father said that all of us are going for shopping to get some basic stuff for the home.
11. So we left at around 6:30 pm in the evening and I had no inkling what was to ensue.
12. I was surprised when our car entered one of most popular restaurants of our city and my father parked the car there and told us to come out of the car.
13. I was really confused and asked my father that why had we come here and he told me that he had a brief meeting with one of his friends after which they would leave to do their shopping.
14. So all of us entered the restaurant and followed my father who walked towards a room titled family hall.
15. That particular moment still flashes in my mind, the moment we entered the room the whole room lit up and for a moment I could not see anything.
16. Then gradually things started to sink in and I could see all our close relatives, my friends and their parents in the family hall.
17. All of them were shouting congratulations to me and when I looked at my father I could see the pride in his eyes with a small tear.
18. Then I realized that this whole event had been planned by my family to celebrate my achievement of scoring 92% marks.

19. There was a cake as well with a candle in the shape of number 92 on top of it.
20. All my relatives came to me and congratulated me and told me how proud they were of me.
21. My friends’ parents also said the same thing to me and said that they were glad that their children had a friend like me to whom they could look up to.
22. That was the proudest moment of my life and by the look on the faces of my parents I could say that for them as well it was one of the best moments of their lives.
23. That day I realized the real importance of my family and thanked god for blessing me with such great parents.