Describe a person whose job is important to society

1. Our country is run by bureaucrats and politicians.
2. These the most important people in our country who make decisions for the welfare of general public.
3. Although every bureaucrat and politician have his own significance in his department but I think the most important person who oversees the functions of all these people is our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
4. He is perceived as a strong-willed leader and strives to make policies which will lead to a better lifestyle of all people of our country.
5. His special focus is on uplifting the poorer section of the society and ever since he has come into power he has take some monumental decisions which have ensure that all the underprivileged people of our society get the basic amenities which are prerequisite for a decent lifestyle.
6. Some of his biggest decisions include Jan Dhan Joyana which was aimed at opening bank accounts for all the citizens of India living below poverty line.

7. Once the accounts were opened the poor people started getting subsidy directly into their bank accounts which earlier was transferred through middlemen and people never really reaped the full benefit of it.
8. Next he launched a nationwide health scheme in which he provided life insurance of Rupees 5 lac for a premium of just Rupees 12.
9. This scheme was again aimed at providing health benefits to all the poor people of the country who earlier remained deprived of these facilities because of dearth of money.
10. He strongly believes that along with people, the environment too needs to be taken care of and is a strong advocate of taking reforms to curb the human activities which are detrimental to the health of the environment.
11. He has expressed his concern over increasing level of pollution in our cities which is having a grave impact on the health of our citizens.
12. It was a part of his election manifesto and he promised that if came to power he would do everything in his control to protect our environment.
13. So far he has delivered on his promise.
14. Immediately after coming to power he put in measures to check illegal cutting of trees and mining of sand.
15. He also ordered to impound diesel vehicles which are more than 15 years old.
16. This legislation was really important as these are the vehicles which damage our environment the most by producing harmful exhausts.

17. He has been vociferous on the issue of global warming and represented the consortium of developing nations on this matter in the UN.
18. He was unequivocal in stating that global warming is a real threat and is the direct outcome of human activities which have transpired in the last century.
19. He further stated that although developed countries have contributed majorly to this problem, it is the responsibility of both developed and developing nations to fight this problem with a concerted effort.
20. I truly appreciate his efforts to conserve our environment and sincerely hope that we as responsible citizens lend him full support in this endeavour.