IELTS MASTER | Talk about a time when you visited a friend

Talk about a time when you visited a friend

1. I reside in a very serene society.
2. In my society all the inhabitants are cordial.
3. Everybody knows everybody and often we celebrate occasions together.
4. I have many friends in my society with whom I play outdoor games every evening.
5. Recently a family came to live in our building and they took the apartment just above ours.
6. Their younger son, Arun is nearly of my age.
7. One day Arun also joined us to play football in our society’s park.
8. He is six feet tall with an athletic body so for some reason I construed an image of Arun being a bully type of person.

9. But when I talked to him, he came across as a very jovial person and after a brief talk we realized that we had several common interests like football, sci-fi movies and many more.
10. That day it was getting late so he invited me and my family for a dinner at their home so that they could meet my parents as well.
11. Next day they we went to their place at around 7 pm and brought some delicacies along with us which they accepted respectfully.
12. We sat in the living room and got acquainted with each other.
13. Our parents got along very well especially our fathers, both of whom have a keen interest in stock market.
14. After a while Arun’s mother got up to serve the dinner and my mother accompanied her to the kitchen to give her a hand.
15. After the dinner our parents continued their discussions in the living and Arun took me to his room to show me his collection of sci-fi movies.
16. Arun has this great collection of these movies and most of movies are same that I have.
17. Then we talked about football.
18. Both of us agreed that English Premier League is the best football league in the world.
19. While my favourite team in the league is Manchester United, Arun is an ardent supporter of Chelsea Football Club.

20. Time just flew by and before we realized it was 11 on the clock, that is when my father called me as they had decided to call it the night.
21. While leaving my father appreciated them for being such a wonderful host and asked for an opportunity to reciprocate our hospitality.
22. He invited Arun’s family for a dinner at our place on next Sunday which they happily accepted.
23. So we met again at our house on next Sunday and that evening was equally memorable for all of us.