IELTS MASTER | talk about a time when you travelled with an old person

talk about a time when you travelled with an old person

1. Last year I went to Andaman Islands in my summer vacation.
2. The islands are nearly 2000 miles away from my city.
3. Given the huge amount of distance, the most preferred way to travel to these islands from my city is either train or aircraft.
4. Since the aircraft tickets are really expensive in holiday season due to heightened demand, my parents decided to commute by train.
5. The journey by train takes nearly two days to finish which terminates at a port city from where the last mile to the island is covered by a ship.
6. I was really looking forward to this journey because I have always enjoyed traveling in a train especially for long journeys as it gives me opportunity to meet new people and learn from them.
7. In this journey as well I met an old person who came aboard at the Delhi junction.

8. He seemed like a really nice person and when I told him that we are going to Andaman Islands he said that last year he went to the same place.
9. He shared his experience and guided me about tourist attractions of the Islands.
10. He also suggested us about the hotels that we should consider for our accommodation and how to stay away from some of the unscrupulous travel agents who are always looking to hoodwink the tourists.
11. When I casually asked about his purpose of visit to Andaman, he told me that he is a frequent traveler.
12. Then he began to tell me about his life history.
13. He had done B.Tech in computer science and joined a leading IT company as a software engineer.
14. He worked with that organization for ten years after which he changed his company and joined another IT corporation as a senior manager.
15. He worked for another seven years after which he and one of his colleagues decided to start their own venture.
16. At that point in time Internet was just picking up in India and he saw a lot of potential in this field so he and his partner started a dot com company which was akin to Amazon as it was a marketplace where vendors could list and sell their products.
17. Initial years were really tough for them as the business did not perform as per their expectation.
18. For first five years they scraped through and kept their business afloat.
19. Just when they were contemplating to sell their business and go back to corporate world a stroke of luck changed their fortunes.
20. A venture capitalist from the US approached them and offered to buy stake in their company in lieu of investment that they desperately needed at that point.
21. They struck the deal and used that money to expand their business.

22. They hired a team of developers and revamped their website which gave their business the fillip it needed.
23. He and his partner worked together for 20 years after which they decided to sell their business for 2 billion dollars.
24. Since then he had decided to spend rest of life enjoying the fruits of his hard work and traveling was an integral part of this plan.

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