IELTS MASTER | Describe your idea of a perfect home

Describe your idea of a perfect home

1. Every person dreams of a well settled and happy life.
2. If a person has a loving and supportive family then life automatically becomes happy irrespective of the luxuries he has or does not have.
3. For a well settled life I believe only two things are rudimentary.
4. One is a good job and other is a decent place to live.
5. Having your own home is probably the first thing everybody dreams of when he starts earning.
6. While as of now I am living with my parents but when I have established myself I also would like to buy a house for myself.
7. I by no means am saying that I am not happy in my current house, it is great and my family is the best family in the world.

8. But I too have some wishes which I cannot fulfill in my current house, partially because of lack of space and partially because of those things might disturb the peace of the house.
9. Everybody has his or her own idea of a perfect home.
10. For me the ideal home is where I can do things my own way.
11. I am huge music fan, especially rock fan, so in my house I would earmark a separate room for my musical activities.
12. Since rock music is really loud that is why I earlier said that the things I want to do might disturb others.
13. I am also a sports freak so my house would have a small lawn where I would play games like football or badminton.
14. A small swimming pool would be icing on the cake.
15. I my house there would be a large living room where I would enjoy small gatherings or parties with my friends.
16. But before all this there are some mandatory things which I guess everybody considers before buying the house.
17. First and foremost is the neighborhood.
18. No matter how many luxuries you have inside if your neighborhood is not good then it is of no avail.

19. Also I would ensure that my house is in the vicinity of public facilities such as a park, a good school, a hospital etc.
20. Buying a house is a major decision and for majority of the people it is once in a lifetime decision so it should be made with a lot of deliberation.


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