IELTS MASTER | A leisure activity that you do with your family

A leisure activity that you do with your family

1. In today’s world the bond between children and parents is not as strong as it used to be in the past and the main reason behind this negative development is lack of time which all family members spend together.
2. Parents are busy in their daily chores and children spend most of their time on their gadgets like laptops and smartphones.
3. This is not only impacting the closeness between the relations, it is also leading to other problems like communication gap and in some cases lack of respect for the parents among the children.
4. Fortunately I have been blessed with a great family and right from the childhood my parents have inculcated the right habits in me and my brother.
5. When most of the children of my age were getting ipads and mobile phones, my parents gave me books to read and every night my mother would come to our room and read those books with us.
6. My parents have always ensured that everyday all the members of the family would spend some time together and discuss small matters that interest all of us.
7. Another tradition which they started and is still part of our routine is to do some kind of leisure activity every week outside our home to change the atmosphere.
8. Every Sunday evening all of us together go to a park nearby our home and sometimes we call our friends as well to make the activities we do there more fun.

9. As I mentioned earlier that it has become a tradition so everybody in my families makes sure that do not make any other plans for Sunday evening.
10. We go to the park around 5 in the evening and the first thing we do is just sit and relax for 15 minutes.
11. In those 15 minutes our parents teach us to appreciate nature and everything it has given to us.
12. After that we play some casual games like throwing frisbee and volleyball.
13. My parents have always emphasised on all round development of their children therefore they always encourage us to play sports and not only focus solely on studies.
14. My father always says that a fit mind can only reside in a fit body and always treat your body like a temple.

15. After playing those games we take a break for another 15 minutes and relax.
16. The last activity that we do before leaving for home is yoga.
17. My father is a strong believer in the benefits of yoga and we do some basic yoga exercises for nearly half an hour.
18. On our way home our parents treat us with some sweets like ice cream or traditional Indian dishes.
19. I have to admit that every week I wait for Sunday with bated breath because I always look forward to all the fun we have in the park and I enjoy every moment their to the hilt.